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Shadowscapes Tarot


There is a song that dwells at the ocean's floor. It lurks in the chasms. It hides in the voices of whales and the squeals of dolphins. It haunts the reefs and caverns. And then, once in a great while, like an air bubble that has been gathering under the crust, it bursts forth in an unstoppable swell to rise towards the surface.

The sirens of the deep have been waiting for this moment. They come together when they feel the signal that trembles through the waves to all the corners of the sea. They sing. Their voices weave a countermelody and descant to the ocean's song. Laughter rings in trills and glissandos that send ripples from their lips. That gleeful shudder of the waters summons the denizens of the sea, all the varied creatures among the ocean swells, to follow in the wake of the sirens.

The very movement of all the beings who swim through the waters is an elegant dance of undulation, a powerful slicing through the waves. The liquid dance of the sea bursts to the surface, and the song echoes to the vast vault of the heavens.

The Three of Cups is a call to celebration, dancing, and singing. Friendship is its key component, and companionship, relying on others, and developing community and team spirit.